Tuesday, June 30, 2009

exit wound.

i missed the day you left
busy with the dishes and the carpet
someone had spilt
and the music was on
the phone was ringing 
and i never heard the door swing
shut over the laugh track
they left playing on the sitcom
i was trying to ignore
you were gone
before i even realized

i had made you a goodie bag
with your favorite things
and a note saying
"when finished being lost
please return to
36 Orchard Lane

i suppose you did not want to be reminded.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

lost in paris.

she shuffles through the world
like an invalid
a license marked up and expired
no longer valid to be carried
as identification
she was no longer an entity
with a plastic coated identity
just a slip of paper that bends
that crumples and tears 
and blurs at the edges
till the wind carries her away
and someone finds her stuck
to the bottom of his shoe
after peeling her off he decides
if its worth if it
if she could be recycled
perhaps he'll throw her away
its been that kind of day
she shuffles through the streets
with her eyes flat and hair too
and they comment
how thin she is, the wind could carry her


to die is gain.

i'm so tired
seeing you fall again and again
with your outstretched arms 
and your hungry red mouth
that stretches and bends your whole face
and your face turns your head
and your head leads where the body goes
you are so hungry
so very hungry with your stretching arms
and how you fall
you dive you sink
you let it swallow you whole
and still you are hungry for so much more
you always will be
so hungry, so hungry
never satisfied, so unfinished
with all those empty spaces against you
filling your red, red mouth
that was so hungry

seeing you fall
hitting the dust and it curls
around you twisting its slender tendrils
into your soft hair and i watch
you fall in love again
i watch you die
behind my eyelids
i cannot sleep without you falling
i am so tired

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Your Birthday Betrayed Me.

sometimes i hate you for this
for making me see you weak
for forcing me to deal with you
and your trembling hands
your sentences that all end
with a quavering question mark
as though you are not sure if you are finished
speaking, or perhaps you simply forgot
what it is you were trying to say
I hate you for doing this
for cutting away with these dull blades
my standalone image of who you are
how your daily naps and tendencies 
to wander room to room looking
for something until you cannot remember
why you stood in the first place
and it hurts deep in my bones
to see you gingerly lower yourself
like a painful porcelain 
into your chair and sigh while settling in

sometimes i hate you for this
for growing old

I always said i wanted to grow up
and be like just like you
now i'm afraid, my wish will come true

greece in the evening

watching you lie there 
against the grass with your hands
thrown wide like some 
over-beneficient god eager to draw
the whole world into their hand
some young venus waiting
for the earth to come to her
i can see your ribs arching
the roof of some ancient cathedral
with your skin shaping the light
like stained glass coating the grass
with shadows of your own grace
and i am struck silent
drawn to worship with a hungry sort of awe
to sit cautiously near you
breathing deeply hoping to slip away 
with something of your essence hidden in my skin
like a secret prophecy stolen from the fumes
silence is your oracle
and shadow your avatar
i am nothing but your acolyte 
as you stretch full your beauty against the ground
and all of nature becomes your backdrop
and nothing of its own
i too want to be yours
and nothing of my own

so i'll write my quiet prayers
leave them carefully on the stone altar
let the zephyr your servant 
carry them away and towards what you are
against the blaze of sunset

Thursday, June 18, 2009

I want you to explain
but i can't hear you
over this pounding rain
from the summer hurricane
so i'll keep pushing through
against the grey wind
wishing that i could believe
that you could mend
this wound my friend
why did you leave?

i've decided to stop making myself try
and have found my peace in looking you in the eye
and walking away, into my own calm.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


she woke up standing
in the middle of the street
with her hands outreached
to turn off the blaring alarms
and they didn't know what to do with her
with her loose curls and barefeet
didn't know how to handle her hands
long and slow against the roof of their cars
her little voice growling about mondays
and who hasn't ?
but she was standing still in the street
stretching her slim neck and tucking a yawn away
behind her spare hand
while she ran one small foot up and down
her long legs as bare as can be
slowly waking up
checking, as people do, that they survived the night
that, tongue over teeth, everything is right
or at least in the right place
and shuddering down her spine
with one last shake she was awake

they didn't know what to do with her
and she didn't know what to do with them
all those faces behind the glasses
watching her like something strange
with a bit of rubbing hunger in their eyes
so she sighed and walked away

so much for monday.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


watching her big sky eyes
and summer wide smile
as she trips across the floor
i suddenly realize

if nothing else
i want to live
to give her
a bigger pair of shoes to fill

Sunday, June 7, 2009

son of a civil engineer

one day in a forest i'll find you
shrink myself in the midst of the great spears
that reach for the sky like pennants of freedom
and i'll remember that this too was a battle ground
but stands still
as a memorial to the fallen plain
and i wonder to myself
if that is why we build cities
with their sky piercing towers
if we, in our secret minds, raise them
as sacred grounds to honor
those who lie silently beneath them
(one day perhaps they will raise
for me a city sharp and shining
to cut a small strip out of the horizon
and sing with the voice of a cynic
the old hymns of forgiveness)
that is why i am looking for you 
you know
because i shamed myself in the shadows
speaking out of the small places
and using the little words to create
a pushing hole that like silence
like a cancer grows
and so here in this silent place
i will build for you a city
of needles with their sharp pine scent
lying here watching the sky disappear
i will pile the slick needles high
over our battlefield 
and force my fingers to be still
under the weight of my remorse
i'll lie here waiting
watching for you to come
because you know that this is where 
i will be, and what i will be doing
you know that i was weak
and that i was wrong
i build you a city
because thats what we do
to remember
and to remind us that
life will still go on

sparring gone too far.

let us build a practicefield
you and i together
and i will take the face of the foe
and you of the other
let us with our leaden swords swing
heavily and without grace
learning to bruise before
we dare to break the skin
i am not yours
and you are not mine
but let us spar here
for this coming time
when i will turn to another call
and beat a new pathway
leaving you do the same
free at last and done
with this sand and tent
these blunted blades
the bruises and wounds that we disregard
let us come together
one last time and then again
to batter with our clumsy arms
to do each other harm
not that we care
but rather because we don't
and so we swing with a spirit
cracking the leather armour
dulling our weary eyes
till we without qualm
may strike
with all our swinging strength
driving the point deep
and leaving the sand wet

my friend,
i am sorry.


there is a thrumming tension in you
sitting stiff in your joints
making them snap not swing
from one motion to another
it's drawn a tight line across your lips
with just a peek of purple showing
where they begin to bruise
and the thing is, i don't think you know
i don't think you've noticed
the way you clear a space around you
how you chew your words first
and then spit them out
to bounce metallic against the floor
there is a ticking tension in you

it is monday
and he is late.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

the origin. the end.

(a teaching tale)

she woke up lonely amidst the songs of spring
and decided that today would be an end
and perhaps a beginning

so she went walking her wild way
she went first to the stream and with her trickling tongue
talking and singing she reminded her
of the clearing of branches, of the cleansing of debris
of the way she helped her to breathe
and walked on carrying her first gift
the handfuls of the slick soft clay
that clung to her fingers in its friendly trusting way

she set it gently to rest in the wooden bowl
she had cleaned and saved for this
and went on walking looking with her quick eyes
for what it is she wanted to see 
she found the old willow by the stream
and whispering to it high in his arms
with the water singing counterpoint to please
she asked for the new green switches
that had the gift of growth in them and the strength 
of the solemn trunk as well
and because she had loved well and told stories often
the tree surrendered to her his slips of wood

she took and laid it by the bowl
carefully in the light to let it drink in the warmth
and with water to quench its thirst
and went to walk again with her careful hands
pushing through the long grass she felt for her treasure
she asked the sweet spring rose
trading cautiously the prick of blood
for the sweet petals that lay soft upon her palm
it took gentleness and it took pain
but the petals came gracefully
as ever a lady gives
and she took them with the same grace and a kiss

the petals she put softly on her white cloth
folded like a cushion or a throne
and went again to wander with her slender feet
slipping through the trees that bent towards her
stopping to span a trunk of the almond tree
and with her laughing fingers
run up and around through the creases in the bark
till with its own shaking joy she gave her back
and tumbled two spinning nuts into her waiting hands
like the few tears that laughter brings
amidst the gasping chaos of the world being right for a moment

the almonds she placed with the rose petals
tucking them in like jewels against their settings
and with that done she waltzes away
singing a small purposeful song that echoed
against the rocks and trees and sky
until the wind came with its screaming melody
and wrapped her up like an old friend
that she dipped in harmony to and spun up in volume
till with a final trill disappeared into the blue again
leaving her with a new song in her head
and her hands cupped tight against each other
carrying the gift the wind gave

she poured the gift into a seaglass bottle
sealing it quick with wax and letting the light
make rainbows of its swirling grace
then sat and let her door swing
in the shadows of dusk
thinking and tracing in the dust on her table
till with a sigh she stands
and shakes loose the rusting drawer
she slides the contents around with her ginger fingers
plucking at last the heavy charm 
and holding it close to her ear letting the tick
beat through her veins
and with reluctant hands placed it on the table

the sun had fully set 
it was time to set to work

bones of willow that will grow
that will bend but not break
skin of clay that is cool
knows the strength of water
and the love of the sun
lips of rose so soft
that may pierce or soothe
as they please
eyes of almond to watch
the world but not
to let too much in
voice of the wind to sing
of freedom and strength
sorrow and joy

this was almost all
and dawn was almost here
but she sat a while
holding the bronze weight in her hands
wetting the edge of her eyes

the magic will end soon enough
and so she took heart
and with one final thrust
placed in beside the young lungs
the old bronze watch
beating its time away

This is the story of my mother
and how she made me
in the spring one day
out of all the strength she had

i tell you because
the springs are winding down
the hand spins to stop
and i want you to remember

in the midst of all of these
the greatest gift she gave me
was time

oh daughter mine
take your time
with your streetlight spine
and your hair of soft wires
your skin of silicon
and your heart
your heart of flashing lights
a clock your own
i gave you what strength i had
and now you are grown

and i am gone...

Friday, June 5, 2009

My early sister

i wonder what they did to her
my early sister
when they found her by the riverside
with her broad mouth
(that red mouth that pulled the hungry eyes
of the brown clothed men for its brave colour
and brought the ice into the women's eyes
for its daring bravery.)
stretched wide in concentration 
and swelling with a whistling laughter
while she watched with her bright eyes
and her hair loose and dancing in the wind

it was the women who found her
of course,
coming over the hill in their tight groups
with their heavy loads on their wide hips
and their quick sharp tongues keeping pace
with their eyes

they saw her with her willowy fingers
that though they worked as hard as theirs
stayed smooth and slender
they saw her coaxing with her lush lips
tweaking the twig as it twisted in her hand
they saw her drag it through the water
and with her careful breath send it swelling
into something....other

(later one of the young girls
who remembered whispered to her playmate
that it was beautiful, this strange thing
and that it looked like rainbows all wrapped
against each other before the disappeared)

the women sniffed and whispered and gasped
sent one of the children back for the men
and then descended
their years of packed-dirt envy sharpening their tongues
their hands outstretched like the claws they always told each other
(in whispers)that she had in the dark of moon
grabbed tight of her with their cutting hands
and dragged her screeching
(oh the pride of the lionesses bringing their prey
their foe to ground
one wonders what the doe ever did to them)

they told the waiting men, out of breath and bemused,
in no uncertain terms what the crime and punishment would be
acting in one voice as judge and jury
striking while the men gathered confused
reminding them of their places, of their wives
and, in the face of their wrath, their miserable lives

i wonder what they did to my early sister
with their faces so twisted and bitter
standing there beneath the spreading oak
but the rest of the story is lost in smoke

they called her a witch
for her crime
of mixing her water and soap
and making a picture of hope

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Men and their Modern Medicine.

it began with my throat
of course
with all the small shoving sounds
that i stranded there
on their way from my lungs 
pumped up by my frantic heart
but stopped severely by my lips
white with the effort and forced back
to sit sullenly muttering amongst the cords
slowly it swelled 
till it was painful to the touch 
and only small gasps of air could push through
like women in business suits at elementary schools
they have a reason for being there (they wouldn't be there otherwise)
but no one appreciates their shoving heels
then my skin became hot to the touch
sending small sticky strands of sweat 
down my face and through my hair
leaving me looking like those
whom Fate has not yet decided as to their survival
but leaves waiting in the balance

the doctor came in
and diagnosed strep throat

but then he was a man
and knows nothing of love.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fight for it.

the gloves are on
and you'd never know
this soft leather, the white clinging to my fingers
laughs at the irony of the phrase
as you with your teasing eyes
pull at each tip
slip down my wrist to toy with my
mother-of-pearl buttons 
push and pull and then slide them loose
leaving my veins open to air
and so you follow them
with your long finger 
tracing them up and under the fabric
stretching it to accommodate you 
you slide out again to tweak the white edges
twisting gently again and again
with that predatory smile softened by the slight dent in your cheek
until with a solemn  sound they surrender
leaving me bare to the sight of you

when you, saying nothing, walked away
i had just one thing to say

hey baby,
the gloves are off.