Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Men and their Modern Medicine.

it began with my throat
of course
with all the small shoving sounds
that i stranded there
on their way from my lungs 
pumped up by my frantic heart
but stopped severely by my lips
white with the effort and forced back
to sit sullenly muttering amongst the cords
slowly it swelled 
till it was painful to the touch 
and only small gasps of air could push through
like women in business suits at elementary schools
they have a reason for being there (they wouldn't be there otherwise)
but no one appreciates their shoving heels
then my skin became hot to the touch
sending small sticky strands of sweat 
down my face and through my hair
leaving me looking like those
whom Fate has not yet decided as to their survival
but leaves waiting in the balance

the doctor came in
and diagnosed strep throat

but then he was a man
and knows nothing of love.


Candle in the Dark said...

oh my gosh. i love this one, dear.

-evan said...

i don't think maybe it's fair to say that just because he's a doctor and a man he knows nothing of love.

that being said, it was good. but still, i can't help feeling glad that i'm not looking to be a doctor.