Thursday, August 6, 2009


sometimes i suspect that just after the dark of night-
i am most suspicious in the dark
it is when i am most awake, and most afraid
because i cannot see you
and you cannot see my fragility
the thing i sometimes think holds you to me
more than anything
and so you, being so clever and young, wait
till the beginnings of light lull me into the half-sleep
that i wake angrily out of because it is the mark of the old-

i suspect that is when you do it
take each of my careful brushes with their slender spokes
and spin them gaily in your slim hands
dipping voraciously with all the hunger in your swelling soul
into my thousands shades of oil
smudging your mouth with charcoal 
 coating your hair in the soft pastels
and laughing, laughing like the hungry wild thing you are
at the thought that all of this could ever be denied you
that anyone could cut you off from the heat of your desire
with your starving need you wait and wait and then
in a blast of shaking speed vanish and reappear
beside my chair proper and pale when i awake
wheezing with the angry indignity of age that robbed my hands
of their steady pace and my eyes of  their open strength

you are quiet but i can hear the tantalized joy thrumming
beating through the hollow in your throat
and i know one day soon those small hours will not be enough
that your hunger will take you by your willowy throat
and you'll do the unthinkable

I'll die easily,
i know what it is to be dragged by destiny
and to be starved for your right place in this world

I suspect what you do in the hours after dark
but i do not stop you 
even with your slender hands descending
and the silent pillow encroaching upon what is left
of my feeble spirit and flickering genius
i'll smother under the weight of this fate

i love you. and i knew it would come to this.

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