Friday, October 28, 2011

No Spark.

I planted the home on fire
with yellow marigolds glinting
just above the low smoulder
of last winter's brush piles
Red snapdragons spit their flame
up against the siding
and the water stains seem
to be steaming with the paint
boiling and swelling from the old wood.
The grey clouds sit on the roof
like sullen smoke.

Only the rain spoils the picture
They said you were my perfect match
But it doesn't seem that we get along
like a house on fire.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

To fall, To follow.

Wild worn nature with your tangled tendrils
hanging off the shoulder
of the wicked, winsome Eve.
How terrible could your wrath be, your least displeasure
when this its greatest joy rings so loud throughout the trees
that I have awoken
dragged from something like death, like dying
into all that is green light, green life.
It was winter when I slept and spring replaces dawn
but when I go to sleep it will grow cold again
So turn and turn about but I am a man of fire
heat and light drawn from me, hissing, into the air
as though something taken, something stolen.
How could a man as rich as I be robbed of anything
and weep as a peasant shorn of his dear only lamb?
This sibilant whisper says nothing loath
a counter melody to her raindrop footsteps
and the whole world seems to hum.
I am the last of the first, the men of old die with me
I am new born, and late to die
let all who follow, follow me
As I follow winsome, wicked Eve.

(to the garden, the world)


When beginning my essay
there is such a look
about the first words standing proud on the page
fierce pioneers in the blank blizzard.
I am loath to add to them
to crowd them round with lesser thoughts
with piles of therefores and wherefores
Wondering what it's all good for
I pause
and take another study break.

(Off Whitman's Beginning My Studies.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Storm sense

The storm surrounds me and I
submerge my voice into its noise
Submerge, not subject
not as though it were reduced
a mere part amongst the whole
but rather released
as a fish submerged into the sea
becomes more fully fish
I and the storm become
as young people fall in love
not out of their element into another stranger world
but swelling towards their truest soul
falling only
because there is not enough room to rise.

Sunday, October 9, 2011


What a wicked wingspan you have

feathertips straining at every window

You have to enter every door


I wonder if that affects your view

of progress, of regress

The only way you can go is up

but the ceiling is made of glass

so hope demands a sacrifice.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Almost alright

It's not the swinging door
or the empty bed.
It's not the quiet table
or the stripped closet.
I can stand losing the smell
of your shaving cream
or coffee in the morning.
Your mismatched sock
showing up at last
doesn't reduce me to tears.
You left and the house is empty.
You went and stripped my finger.
But I'm alright.

It's just that the only thing
that won't leave me alone
is loneliness

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

feeling rundown

tongue tied up
laid on the railroad tracks
vibrations say the train's coming
I've never said such a word
but the metal can
speech without air, without lungs
and I've got those and a tongue
but it's tied up on the tracks
Train's coming
whistle screams
and so do I

Tongue's untied.

(I still died)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Modern Stability

There are three things that cannot be moved
Four that cannot be shaken
An iron tower built on rock
A king without mercy
A mother from her children
A misquote from Wikipedia.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Learn your lesson
like a lion learns the gazelle.
Let fear be your teacher
the tooth takes its toll.
Rise and take the floor
you are either one or the other.
Take the ribbon in your hand
shall it be leash or lover?
Take the last of those who left
were they bound
or found free and wound
around your little finger?
Be taught by the open door
by the empty floor
You cannot act the child
and demand to have more.
Love is full of fear
tooth and claw and a locked door.
Love is always near
but it demands all of you and more.
Learn to love
like the lion the gazelle.
With hunger and heat

Would you like something to eat?