Monday, September 28, 2009


Today i want to tell you that i'm thinking of you
I want to do it in some way
that will surprise a smile into your eyes
write it in the sky
spilling smoke behind me like a cloud of ink
against the deep blue waves
or drop it in small notes like a trail
all over the streets
that you'll follow like a mystery
till you get to the twist the end
and there i'll be
thinking as hard as I can about you
who and what you are
with your tendrils of thought
curling around your hair and shooting
like stars from your mouth
directed by your hands into these detailed explosions
dreams that grow like mist on paper
and reach out to tangle my eyes
in their ideas and feelings and screams
and I can't get enough of them
so here I am with my fingers stretching far
trying to tell you
I am thinking of you
and how wonderful you are
I am thinking of you
and how much I love you

Happy Birthday.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

and she's dark chocolate
addictive but bitter
sweeps me off my feet 
in the rush of her words
and i would listen
but i'm too busy remembering
how to swim
roll on, roll on baby,
you're the one i'll hold on to
ride through, ride on baby,
the knights are chasing you
all those silver skinned saviours
are looking for your golden hair
and i just woke up
and you were there
sitting there laughing that my tongue
tying it up in knots
and walking away
I won't follow, you're too far ahead
just wait for you watching in my head
as you turn around with your shining smile
with the sky silver behind you
they're running to your rescue
one more addition to their petting zoo
i'll stay here until you're through
taking their shield and dulling their swords
to cage you they'd need to build worlds
for you to rage to

so i'll go back to sleep and wait for the girl

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


i have written script after script
in which you
in many names and faces
appear under my window
(or at my door
or to pluck me from the sea)
and throw pebbles
(knocking and rescuing are also acceptable)
to catch my attention.
When i appear
you always smile
and say.....

i never know what you would say.
i suppose you could improvise.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Bless me brother for I have sinned

you sit down beside me
and i have nothing to say
the thousand strands of each day before
have become tangled in my dreams
are twisting in their decay
and the mold of memory is tying them together
turning them upside down 
i have nothing to say
because maybe it has been said before
perhaps you cried or it could have been me
but all i know is this

i've got nothing to say.

don't walk away.


Saturday, September 12, 2009

the blessing of the blurs

with the mist so deep
i can barely see the ridge of trees
that blur like columns of smoke
another intangible thing
in this imaginary world
so i stretch my eyes wide
seaching amidst the grey
for a darker shape

i can't see a thing
so i pretend
that the thing i can't see
is a mountain standing there
behind the trees
with its wide arms stretched
and my home nestled in the crook of it
like a child on the point of sleep

i close my eyes through the rain
pretending i am home

Thursday, September 10, 2009

codes in plain sight.

you know in the films
when the detective or the spy
tapss three times on one brick
and then in a secret pattern 
follows up with soft strikes
to four others and then
to the amazement of all
a door creaks open where there was clearly
when i am talking
and you look at me like that
with your head tilted 
and that one strand of hair left loose
to hang over your eyes
normally you brush it away
but at these times your hands are still
and your eyes merely widen
as if to see around it
I can feel your eyes pushing against the sounds on my tongue
trying and trying again
to unlock the door
creating a secret code to my vulnerability

one day i might let you in on the secret
when i say i'm fine.
that's exactly what i mean.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A Handful of Haiku

Old Teachings
the turn of voice falls
an autumn load of leaves
who is listening?

Tension Builds
the pause between words
pulls my ears like children who
watch the candy jar

The stream talks loudly
wondering from where he came
carrying my boat

Winter Worries
The mirror ages me
writing thin wrinkles on skin
with the thread of frost

The Secret Garden
stories grow like weeds
wild over the level flagstones
building a garden

Camouflaged reincarnation
Two thousand scales
lie against each other in wait
flash into a fish

Regret for a wedding
late for your rebirth
I was caught in the fall rains
my feet in debris

Monday, September 7, 2009

the watcher - a matched set to 'the watch'

spring would be the point
he had made her promise
saying it would be fitting
to begin again then
when spring comes step down
look around and grow new dreams
promise me this

and she would not, could not look at him
watching instead his hands
and the way they bent around hers
so when he squeezed them tightly
like the question mark to his command
she nodded and did not say anything
but he took it for her word

be brave. 
watch for me.
i'll meet you before spring

and he was gone

It is late summer and she stands by her post
watching along the wall
keeping track of the slips of green
holding on to them like small promises
spring is not gone yet
he could still come

there is one sapling left
carrying green like a flag 
that she builds her army of hope around
marshalling her dreams to protect it
from the raging fire of orange and yellow
burning through the forest

the sunset blazes through the trees
turning the leaves in the wind
to its own golden tone
and she closed her eyes
to hold back the the sea
that raged at her last hope stolen

she opened her eyes to the snap 
of the twigs laid along the path way
taking her spear to raise the alarm
she turned to watch for the enemy

the spear is broken
the wall breached
the door abandoned
the watch forgotten

spring has come again
in the eyes of the warrior 
standing with his wounded arm wrapped
around his woman who waited

winter is nothing now.

the girl at gethsemene

you came to me in an eclipsed world
where the memory of the sun
still burnt but faded
turned under the weight of years
into a fantastic thing, a child tale
a dream talk and a fool's hope
you came in the greys of the day
like a neighbor who has been traveling 
far beyond the arm of the familiar
and so I recognized you and did not
for behind the face of the next door over
beat the strangeness and it was hungry
for me and i for it
but afraid because it was so strong
and burnt in your eyes like a passion
it flooded your skin and arced through your movements
and the tastes of it i found
in the words from your tongue
were sweet and bitter
stinging my tongue with its bristling courage
and soothing it again in its glow
and how hungry i was for it
for the whole from which your words flowed
i could be content no more with the fruit
but must have the seed myself
you were so hungry to give it
that once reaching out my hand you took it
and carried me across the grey streets
up the grey mountains along the grey streams
i was not tired carried as i was
and upon the mountaintop you set me down
i was crying for the hunger
the need you had awakened in me
you stood tall upon the mountain top
and carful as Atlas beneath the earth
spread your arms wide and cried out

and the sun came bursting through
an explosive wave that struck like a shout
sweeping through me and carrying me away
lighting me up through my skin

you gave me the world as it should be
as it once was
i have tasted this love and it is good

the risks

aren't you afraid
one of these days
you two will wake up like strangers

you'll ask him his name
hell ask you the same
you'll forget to ask where you came from

you'll get out of bed
with the thought in your head
i wonder if he's any danger

he'll go back to sleep
like a secret you'll keep
and you'll choose to call it a home

aren't you afraid
it'll all pass this way
with the life you live dreaming not waking

well it all could come true 
though its frightening to you
that's a risk i'm okay with taking

and so she stood at the door
and i asked her no more
but gave her a kiss for her leaving

my true love is gone
to risk at someone
and i am alone left to grieve her

aren't you afraid
one of these days
you'll wake like a stranger

in stopping too low
and speaking too slow
dreaming is always a danger

Sunday, September 6, 2009

the watch.

the wall sentry has left his post
has abandoned it with his spear in his hand
left the looking to the trees
which send their young saplings creeping up
through the razed area like lithe spears
each sharp-tipped with green

the shifts are changed
the empty wall climbed again
and the child who was young
when it was built is young no more
she stands with the wind bending
her long hair around her
watching the forest grow

how the watch stretches on
from the dusk into the dawn
and still she stands there
waiting for the shadows to waver
to bend and blur in their surrender
to release her man 
with her eyes she plans to steal him
back from the wilderness

the sentry stands strong
her hand to her spear
waiting for the next dawn
for her warrior to appear

Saturday, September 5, 2009


i found you amidst the green
the long grass around you and the dropping vines
and your eyes too were clean

and i took you and with my hands i fed you
with the food which i had made 
to call you from yourself and to me

you ate and you listened to the song
following with long steps back
through the trees and grass

and i brought you to the circle of my home
with each red fire glowing by the door
showing you the space that was left

you took your hands and dug
pulling up in great strokes the earth
and packed it into straight lines

you built for me a house 
standing with it done before me
covered in the dirt of your labour

and you were brown all over
with the streaks of earth 
against your skin like cloth

i brought the coals still warm
from the house of my mother
and placed them in the heart of the house

you fed them wood 
new wood from your hand
and then it was done

then it was begun

the monsoons came.

it was the grass that gave you away
the change in its whispering whipping against itself
each slender blade flagellating the other
in this dance that makes sounds like blood
that sprays lightly above their pointed ends
and suddenly the sound changed
the grass beating against your legs
turning into a tap, a rhythm rather than a rant
as though it was confused
in the midst of its frenzy to find opposition
and like a woman instead of turning on you
for standing in the midst of its worship
merely turned its worship to you
and that's how I saw you first
standing there with the grass wrapping around you
twisting up and along the lines your skin made against the dusk
white streaks in the shadow
soon blurred beneath the green
and you didn't say a word
just stood there waiting, watching
as though the sight of me adrift in the mud
was a casual common thing
so i stood too letting the black drip
drawing its own lines against my skin

it had not rained in so long.
it has been so long since i have seen you.

you lit a cigarette and offered me a hand
so I took it and climbed out crushing the grass beneath my feet
and we walked away
leaving the grass to begin again
singing its whipping song in the dusk

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


i wake up tasting the stale air
of my thousand dreams before
the dislocated dizziness of that gap
between where i am and where i am
the places of my tenuous grasp
drag me here and drag me there and the potential is huge
waiting to snap like a muffled gasp
the only evidence of a small sharp pain
i cannot explain what it means to be lost
somewhere between my skin and my soul
and to go in through one door and out the other
an interchanged transient
on a faulty transistor radio
trying to pick up a signal
a homing beacon to draw me back from these grey seas
that whirl like clouds above me and i do not know
if i am flying or drowning
but only that i'm wet all over
and i do not know do not know do not know
and i do not....the static cuts in again
and theres nothing but a strain of bagpipes 
turning and turning again
if i should fall from grace with God
if i should fall
if i should fall from grace

i wake up from my dream
of the plane falling from the sky to the sea
and for a moment i don't realize
the salt water is all mine

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Twitches and Transformations

and when she talks i picture small loose threads
popping like strands of hair in the humidity
 from the tight red rim of her ponytail holder
small loose threads bursting from her lips
the ones that appear at the corners of buttonholes
thrust into the air from the constant twitch
the nervous force with which she shoves her buttons
like anxious, too fast words
in and out again 
like a magician trick 
invisible and then not again
holding herself together and then unhooked
left to fall apart in front of the watching world
and sometimes i don't think she notices
the way she throws herself vulnerable 
in between sentences but that rather its a habit
the way she runs her thumb along the cuff of her sleeve
and every time she meets the button 
flicks it in and out like a small irritation
a symbolic constraint that restrains and contains
and she won't break free for more than a moment
but for that moment she can breathe
thats what i think when i watch her speak
chewing on the corner of her lip between breaths
telling me her secrets under the cover of the weather
and how lovely it is today

one day the buttons will burst loose 
the magician will reveal his tricks
and the world will watch her turn invincible