Monday, January 26, 2009


I dreamt last night
that you were  here
that you were alright
and seeing your face like that
your eyes whole and sure
with no shadows leaking out the corners
like ink to darken your face
made the whole world right again

i wish i knew what to do
how to gently fit my arms
in the midst of your shattered pieces
wrap up these broken edges
and fold my heart against yours
to keep it warm keep it moving
but i keep running up against these walls
and you won't throw me a key 
a ladder a thread
just stand there screaming waiting
and i can't keep you quiet
the world is not my ally and its slowly spinning
to pieces a stop frame explosion
in which i am the pause between shots
and nothing more

i dreamt that you were okay
and it was enough for today
one day i will beat the night
and you will be alright.

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