Friday, January 21, 2011


I saw you last night
with the halo of the streetlight
barely brushing your form
tinging you with golden holiness
You moved with your usual grace
through the night
like one well acquainted
and I felt suddenly a stranger
watching you from our window
I did not look away
but reached with one hand
for the switch and with a breath
submerged myself in the dark
closer to you.
You moved down the drive
and stopped before your seeming shrine
to bend with solemn intent and steady hands
a careful priest reaching
against the smooth temple wall
to press and transform
opening the holy cavern.
It took you to your knees
in an easy reverence long practiced
but I watched your hands shake
drawing forth your slender wand
sliding it deep into the gap.
Your head bowed over it's translucent length
and touching it to your lips
it grew golden and heavy
some blessing swelling from the holy
towards your hungry soul.
You filled a glass
and raising it high stood
to upend the chalice
pouring its glowing contents
to the shattered grass
and the green burnt away to gold.

There is nothing stranger I have seen
watching you siphon gasoline
like some holy tithe
against the road that calls you in your dreams.

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