Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Phoenix 2011


Come and I shall fold

these shattered hills around you.

We will hide beneath them

and make shadow puppets

of the stars.

There shall be a peace in the twilight

when the shadows have not grown

but in the dark the trees sound

like footsteps

and the long mouth

of the scratched and silver monster

breaks forth in laughter.

Oh my child, quiet now-

perhaps it was only a dream.

This time is different than the times


when you woke to the burning glee

of those that would destroy us.

This time, this time

it is just a dream.

Look how I have built the hills

into a home for us-

we shall call this rock a wall,

and this tree a room.

I shall fold my shattered arms

around you and we will sing

the old songs and the old stories

and the old safety will grow

fragile at our feet.

I will build a home for us

out where nothing can touch us

and the night is as empty

as ever it could be.

O my child, my quiet child

I shall fold the hills around us.

How silent your laughing mouth

in this laughing dark.

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