Saturday, December 26, 2015


My bones are one long fuse
Knotted at the joints
With calcium threads braided tight.
All my life I have feared flint
Carried water made holy
By my fear of fire.
I take deep breaths to smother flame
Pause before speaking to deny the spark
Its necessary air.
Fury glows like a coal in my heart
and I cannot snuff it out.

Since motherhood I feel the world
Is made of loose lit candles
A place of danger swelling bright.
Each day a thousand angry matches light
Hungry sparks reaching for your skin
to burn through your bones.
I carry always this smoldering truth
you need me like cool water
to soothe the heated hate of this place.
I ache to feel so fluid but still
I feel the anger in my bones
And it will burn out the heart of me.

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