Wednesday, June 9, 2010


The funny thing about freedom is
there is no one to tell you how not to
(fall in love
wreck a car
forget who you are)
I want to slip out the window
run my feet along the slick tiles
and not let anyone know
at least not for a little while
eventually I guess
I would have to confess
to tell them all the sparkling news
but for now the shine is so sharp
I keep it tucked tight against my heart
and feel it cut just a bit with each breath
liking the sting of how my skin stretches
(O skin mine you cannot stretch forever)
and I breathe deeper and deeper
driving the iced light against my skin
and laughing do it over again
because when you are free there is no one
to tell you how not to be
and crazy
a taste of instability)
and I have finally done it I'm free
so I shall climb into the night
and into the shadows I shall whisper
because it is too early to scream
the news out over the city streets
but on the tile before I make my final leap
I shall disturb the swallow's sleep
because when you are free there is
no reason not to be
(whoever you choose
nothing to lose
you've broken loose)
So I'll take the final jump and see
how far these wings take me

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