Saturday, July 26, 2008

beyond the blue.

the whisper edges of my skin
tell me about air
about how it wraps around me
how it slides in and out
slipping into my veins
in small careful bubbles
and rushing out again
but i'm not sure i believe them
i'm trapped in a vacuum
and when i push
nothing stands in my way
i neither rise nor fall
just am
stupidly waving these extremities

the curved whorls of my ears
tell me about sound
how it bounces heavily
and whirls its way through the crevices
to weave a web of noise
that somehow affects my feet
and my smile
but i don't understand them
i've never heard anything
unless this constant thump-thump
counts for anything
but that is through my bones
and not my ear
and shakes me terrified

my timorous throbbing heart
tells me about love
how it sinks through the skin
and turns everything hot and wonderful
makes you beautiful
and spills laughter and tears all over
like a flood of freedom
and this i already knew
this wild swirling rush
that picks you up off the ground
and throws you into the sky
tumbling laughing crying through the blue
up and up
up up and away

this i already knew
and this i tell my heart
what comes after the blue
that soft and sparkling blue
what comes after that
but the black of emptiness
of eternity and infinity and individuality
when we broke through the barrier
and got swept away
into the empty space
between us

and so i drift
while the lovers in the blue
laugh and point out the sparkling stars
and how they seem to move

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow!! Beautiful picture. Bitter-sweet with a marvelous twist at the end. Gives new meaning to the phrase "i saw stars". I want to say more but cant think of nething else.
(is it just me or do these just get better and better)