I found a strand of your hair today
dark against the white of the wall
it was tied up against itself
an arachnid skeleton
from some forgotten age
I couldn't look away
I kept seeing your hair
looking as if it were alive
in the ocean
swimming at its own jelly rhythm
separate from the thrashing of your arms
and how it picked up the light
and the salt and the sand
and still looked beautiful
dragged out behind you like a net
with treasures caught up in it
beating to be free
i caught my hand in it that day
each finger in its own coiled chain
with one loose curl wrapped around my wrist
like a shackle of silk
I did not notice the way it hardened
stiffening into small vertebraes
like the slender spines of some fossilized creature
it cracked under the weight of my hand
sounding like gravel crunched beneath my boots
and I realized I was caught and could not get free
At that point you too were stiff
with your fingers curled up in fists
as if you fought this last indignity
to be stripped of life, in public.
my hand was tight in your mass of hair
and my voice too
strectched like some current
that dredges up all the worst in me
they say i sat there cursing
over and over again the same word
until they cut my hand loose
from your mangled net of hair
and led me away
to check for injury they said.
i wonder if they were being ironic.
i wonder things like that
and i used to say them to you
and you would roll your eyes
telling me that no one is ironic anymore
merely sarcastic, with an occasional flash of wit.
I didn't believe you
but then i knew you.
you would have found it ironic
to have died on the day
we were to have begun a new life.
i suppose we still did.
i think i like the old one better.
i washed the hair down the drain
wondering if it was fitting
that water be there at every doom
every reminding of your leaving.