Thursday, October 22, 2009

Transitory love.

hello love,
do you mind if i call you that?
here in my mind all secret and quiet
like a habit that we don't even notice anymore,
and you turn your head to it
as if it were your name.
I don't know it-
your true name.
You have been Angeline,
Guinevere, and Jane as the light hits you.
I played with Marie for a day
but you have too much of a bite,
something that has consonants you can chew on.
I decided on Janette
with the extra letters to set you apart.
I picture your parents
all glowing and panting with the newness
of being fresh defined by the small screaming you-thing
rolling the name around between their teeth
stretching the vowels into a song
and then snapping their mouths shut over the final syllable
as if already fearing your escape into the wild world
away from them.
Thats what you look like to me
every time you board the bus
like a thing on the verge of escape
I wonder if you would let me run with you.
Perhaps not
I lack the courage.
Its why I'm siting here
calling you love in my head
and wondering if I'll ever know your name.
I almost asked today.
But the board flashed Suttle and you stood to exit.

Perhaps tomorrow.
Mind the gap.


Anonymous said...

I love this. I laughed out loud when I read it and absolutely enjoyed the whole thing.
two questions:
"mind the gap"

May-Belle said...

Mind the gap is what the buses in britain whenever the door opens. so you don't fall.
so its an intentional play on words....he's 'mindful' of the gap between them. and he doesn't want her to fall..or does he? fall in love... :) one of those little folded up meanings that i like a lot but don't really expect anyone else to be able to track my insanity..haha
Suttle...subtle...she always exits without im because he's too subtle...he's not brave enough to be upfront