Monday, October 12, 2009

The last door of Fall.

She looked at me with her deep black eyes.
Fall fell behind her like a backdrop
a side note designed for emphasis
to be felt and then forgotten.
fall always is.
The winter comes behind it
sweeping up in its tragedy
the tipping points of colour
the moments where change began.
Winter cuts it down to essentials
leaving the what if frozen into a certainty.
It could be no other way.
Fall fits her
with her slim mouth
and the slender voice that slides from it
like red leaf stain drifting down the grass.
She looks at me like a door
and suddenly I am unsure
if I am fit to be tried, opened
or if, in my own secret winter,
I should stiffen into solidity
as locked as the sap caught in branches.
She turns her head
it feels like a key to me
with her eyes sliding inside of me
and with a sliding click
I fall open.
I reach for her.
With my hand, my stumbling voice
whistling through my mouth
like a coax, an invitation, a plea.
The tree behind her drops two more leaves.
She is looking at me with her black eyes.
With no question in her slim neck
she says,
"Earn this."

And flew away.

Inspiration given by. Josie Morway.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

beautiful, I love the seasons and I love love love the fall.. so is it about the bird, or is the bird representing someone/something else?