Sunday, March 7, 2010

Architectural Failures.

Let the storm build a wall around me
I will take for windows the gaps between raindrops
and what a beautiful carpet this shining puddle makes
For my roof the rolling clouds will do
and for light quick the flashes come
Thunder sounds the alarm -a visitor!
and I am at the door with the wind a guard dog at my feet.
Let the storm build a home for me
I'd like to see you find me here.

The thunder rolls again
The lightning strikes the shadows flat
and throws the light against my visitor
You! With all your shining heat
a blazing sun against my storm
and I am lost again, homeless in this hope

(of you with your open arms for walls
your smile for a sun and strength for a guard
for a roof your shoulder and for a window
your eyes and how they see the world
and for a home you and all your heart)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This, i like. i don't know how you do it hannah, honestly. Your poems always make me pause for a few seconds to think and then they extract a wow. continue writing
joy be with you