I want to do it in some way
that will surprise a smile into your eyes
write it in the sky
spilling smoke behind me like a cloud of ink
against the deep blue waves
or drop it in small notes like a trail
all over the streets
that you'll follow like a mystery
till you get to the twist the end
and there i'll be
thinking as hard as I can about you
who and what you are
with your tendrils of thought
curling around your hair and shooting
like stars from your mouth
directed by your hands into these detailed explosions
dreams that grow like mist on paper
and reach out to tangle my eyes
in their ideas and feelings and screams
and I can't get enough of them
so here I am with my fingers stretching far
trying to tell you
I am thinking of you
and how wonderful you are
I am thinking of you
and how much I love you
Happy Birthday.