Friday, August 6, 2010


Sometimes it scares you
that all the stretch in your skin
the changes from white to gold to the tiniest rose
at the very edge of your fingertips
is just another version of the sunset
a great swell and then darkness.
I picture it coming like a great glow from another glow
a stolen light that begins to burn
it's own internal walls
a careful looter who never spills
too far into the airy streets
but sometimes you smile and forget
and all the light goes tumbling
a great clumsy gush from an overflowing spring
and we are all awash with it.
So take a moment golden girl
with the silver slash of a smile
take a moment and glow with me
and we'll face the night together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the changes from white to gold to the tiniest rose.

intriguing, I really enjoyed parts of this one,
its refreshing.

I would have ended at "we are all awash with it" though, I dunno.