Monday, August 30, 2010

Ideal (unreal)

How truth stands alone
Like I never could
Unshaken and unmoved
and here I am tottering on these stilts
clutching the tops of the trees
crying out take me take me
(I promise I could be what you need)
I'm lying.
like always.
But if I could mean it into truth
I would
leaning on the tones
adjusting the vowels
hammering the consonants
into something constant
but all I've ever built you
is a golden road to the great city
the green city of my love.
(Just put these on, put them on
they're here to protect you
from the brilliance of the light
look how the emeralds glow.)
The truth burns so bright.
I can only play with mirrors
to get this look just right.
Truth shouts aloud.
I can't even speak
only scratch these signals
into the pebbles I throw
at your window.

How truth stands alone
but I want to stand with you.


fen said...

Yeah, I totally feel like this..

fen said...

my email is mfeniak@hotmail (dot com)

-I was about to email it to you, except I just realized you said your account had died. so I dont even know how to contact you. ayayayaay.