Wednesday, April 7, 2010

emily's gardener.

O strange solidity
You shadow with sinew
Come climbe these stairs
that curl against the wall in the dark
a spiraling secret at the center
and the wrought iron is knotted together
a thousand thoughts tied into a spine
a twisted plot to support this story
and still they spin
upwards and upwards
and I, I am among the stars
at this perilous height watching the wind
turn the earth slow breath by breath
and I wonder who it is that is breathing
to keep this stone thing moving?
what is it that keeps you moving?
I can almost hear you now
fathoms below amongst your fellow shadows
in the company of your brother ghosts
and I wonder when you'll fall
give into the grip gravity wields
and slide down the banister into the dark again.
I've given up on grieving
Hope has given out under all this leaving
Oh somewhere in these stars
I've given up on living
so climb shadow climb
stretch your phantom limbs
and I'll stand here listening
stretching over this swollen chasm
to hear the whisper of sound that sneaks like a song
up the cold corridor
your steady footsteps and something else
that sounds like blood and beating
that sounds like living

I listen to the echoes
of this, your secret song
and it sounds like love like hope
it sounds like not alone.

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