Thursday, April 8, 2010


This is how I sometimes tell it
you with your specific face
your unique eyebrows with that one arch
that slides over sarcasm
and your slim slip of a tongue
that runs over the long lines
you brain writes in its secret script
with a laugh and a lilt
you standing in the midst of this story
this every story
of every day
this once upon a time and yesterday
all tied up in ordinary twine

sometimes I tell it this way
with the long stretched form
blank and blurred
and all the thousand details crowding around
to give structure and definition
by cold marble and sunset rays
by a purse of silk not cotton
by the thousand faces around you
and it is one story
one day, one way
and it will never be again
but in the midst of it is anyone
with any face
with any grace

This is how I tell it sometimes
in a shout in a scream
in an avalanche of definitions
this is what I mean
In a whisper of a wail
in a long arching song
with the spine of a tale

This is how I
I tell you
what a thing I am
and who
and sometimes why.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Keep telling this in as many ways as you can