Monday, May 3, 2010

Just a thought.

They were sitting against the brick
with their long corners sprawled across
the walkway and I could not stop.
It was a long-day morning and
already it had slipped away from my control
but for a moment I paused
and pictured taking them up
scooping the resisting white cardboard
into my arms and running
spreading them across the lawn and doing nothing.
Standing and thinking and creating
at last with a splash of colour
and long scrawls of script
something of more worth than all these
thousand clumsy sounds by which I mutilate
the lovely language of Isabella and her loves.
At the end with my hands speckled with paint
and my nose smudged with ink
(for so my writing always ends)
I would place them proud
slender flags piercing the virgin grass
like a claim upon a moment of your time
a Caesar's cry over your tumultuous thoughts
for you came, you saw, and I conquered
for just a minute
the weariness of the days
with this
my new metamorphosis
the magic of taking some few sheets
of something blank and nothing
unmarked with meaning and
weighted by naught but potential
and transforming them into this

A gift.
A glorious moment of reminder.

I think. You're wonderful.

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