Friday, August 27, 2010

What comes of listening to whiny pop.

You're just another throwaway thought
a story I didn't bother to write
with an interesting premise
but no where to go
a plot with flat characters
that walk around saying things
like you and me 
throw in a couple words like forever 
and I've got myself the perfect comedy.
I'm done with this scene
through with these plays on words
even shiny toys get old
so sorry about that introduction
 a tantalizing prologue indeed
but today I find I'm not up for a mystery
and I've lost the taste for suspense. 
So please just walk away
I'm ready to turn the page. 


fen said...

hey. wha?

May-Belle said...

The moment when you see/meet someone and are intrigued but seconds later realize you don't have the interest, enthusiasm, passion, etc, to carry on an actual potential relationship.