Sunday, September 26, 2010


I shall build gargoyles
on the four corners of your home
with snarling teeth and eager claws.
I shall file away the steps
in raw uneven blocks
to send the spirits tumbling
dulling their teeth on the concrete.
I shall plant red flowers before the door,
hang a mirror before the lock
all these and more to keep the dark away.
And after all these things
I shall say the simple prayer
quiet and still.
Keep her safe keep her safe keep her safe
I love her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I found this one intriguing. All the incantations and protections are as terrifying as any monster that might threaten. Very clever picture of how our love and care can become so smothering it scares away those we'd have it protect. Yet it's still all incredibly loving and protecting. Just scarily so.
Reminds me of Pink Floyd's song, Mother.