Monday, May 25, 2009

to my parents.

i carry you like a phone in my pocket
a weight that i need to balance me
the constant reminder 
that even when alone i exist
you sit careful on my mind
a door that takes me to a thousand safe places
but that i cannot open
lest i never learn to stand
but spend my days inside the surety
of who i am because you know who you are
and how i wish to slide into it
to become a fixture in your permanent world
introduced in the dependent clause
and let you carry the verb alone
but instead i will stand
with my hand on my pocket
to remember that you are there
and walk on
discovering the places where i may stand
and build my own world

i thank you
for the courage.


1telos said...

as you build your own world be assured that you have not left ours, you've extended it.

much love,

your parents

Karla Kay said...

loved it honey!
call anytime :) love you!