Friday, July 31, 2009

children's codes for grownup games

i've been thinking about these
x's and o's
rearranging them in my mind
pulling them off that page
with their fuzzy lines
from your pen that always
leaks too much ink
your pockets are spotted with it
but its your favorite 
so i don't mention anymore
if i drop these letters in a grid
make them stand up straight
place them in orderly lines
maybe i'll have a better chance at overcoming them
these three x's 
the three impossible challenges
the woodcutter's son emptying the castle of bread
the miller's girl turning straw to golden thread 
the nobody's child sneaking her way inside your head

The first kiss
I wanted you.
The second kiss.
I was yours.
The third kiss. (oh triumph!)
You were mine.

three black strikes with a line struck through
it was tic tac toe and i love you.

1 comment:

-evan said...

"so i don't mention at anymore"

that aside, among other. . . minor misspellings, etcetera, it was a pretty good poem.