Friday, December 3, 2010

The Lagoon

The moon is flooding through the upper window
filling half the room
and I wake in a silver aquarium
with the shadows sitting choppy
on the sea of light
I awake as a creature unseen
the mythical amphibian breathing
both dark and light as easily
as my long hair drifts through this new world
as my long thoughts drift, prodding
the corners and stretches of this world
and how it bends before me with a marine grace
All of this is freedom and the breath is sweet and deep
between the light and dark the mirror sprays
white caps into the shadowed ceiling
and I am the last siren singing her secret song
awash in this midnight world

a cloud sails across the moon
and I am asleep again
a mortal child with immortal dreams
to wake in morning with nothing
but a strain of song to recall

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow, I found this delightfully dreamlike. Reminded me of the time I went to sleep in a hammock in the village and woke up right as a storm was hitting. Good job at verbalising those moments of wakefulness and sleep. I liked how the chiaroscuro was symbolic of something different than it usually is too.