Sunday, December 5, 2010

supply and demand?

she learnt it on the plastic panels
that stuck to the back of her knees
and itched her elbows
and always smelt of bleach or glue
one day they gave a red one
even though she asked for blue
and it didn't even have the duck
with it's bright yellow feathers cracking
in a thousand ways in the corner
how was that fair?
It wasn't as though there wasn't another
sitting right there in the teetering pile
and she could just see the edge
of a yellow bill as plain as could be
but this was that and what she got
and there was nothing to be done in the face of that
so she drug it in the corner
and carefully spread her blanket across as much as she could
stretching it to conceal the fire engine
with it's yellow ladder
that was nothing at all like feathers
and curling in the center to think very hard
about justice and desire and whether she would have
apple juice or chocolate milk today.

Everything I learned
confused me in kindergarten.

1 comment:

AJH said...

I adore this;) cheers, love!