Tuesday, January 13, 2009


come back come back
my fingers curl convulsively
as if this air
that forces its way into my lungs
i could wrap around you
twisting it tight
and clenching it in my white fist
if i pull hard enough
against these invisible elements
whatever it is pulling you away
would turn you back
would release you one more time
and if i can steal no more than this
another five minutes of light
i will take my punishment well
like a man
but then they walk away
and forget, leaving grief behind
with their old clothes
because to them the road holds
some sort of salve
some saving grace
i shall take the punishment like a woman then
standing on a silent earth
like the other things which grow
and knowing something of what it is
to give the best of you away
does it anyway
and i will take all of this fate's vengeance
her hungry price 
for the tweaking of her threads
in her great tapestry
if only i may steal you back
from her haggard hands
for five minutes more
to taste the smile that comes with hello
for just a while longer

i'm wrapping my hands around this air
hoping it will hold me
when the blur takes your shadow
and theres nothing left but to grow old

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