Saturday, January 17, 2009

Patient: Dawn Somna

Can you see me there
stretched against that sliver of white
my head slanted towards the sky
the white tiled sky
my hair is spread out
lending softness to the starkness
that crinkles under the slight shifts
my breath causes
and my fingers are bare
each cresent nail clear
each long palm resting against the other
and they are white too
but for the blue vein
that pulses like a wave on a river
swelling lazily to shore
They are here again
I can hear them though it means nothing
series of sounds that swing through the air
and carry nothing of sense
they say -Look look
how deeply she is sleeping.
how still she is.
look how still she is waiting
how beautiful she is.-
i do not know what they mean
and still they stand there
their eyes heavy against my skin
but i cannot move -neither do i try
they are none of my concern
slowly they leave
one by one
Their shoes scratching against the floor
till the door swings shut

how deeply i am sleeping they say
I still am waiting in this white tower
for you to come one day
free me from this power
of ordinary days and dreams
that tell me everything is what it seems
i closed my eyes once and have not woken since
i will wait centuries for you my prince

we only live
we only love

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, i like this one too. there's something kind of surreal about it, as though gravity is turning itself upside down simply to frame your beauty in an electric blue sky. and dont worry hannah, gravity will eventually revert so you can fall

in love.