Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Still think she's the Joker?

i have blood on my hands
dried beneath my nails
that old rusty colour
coated over with the bright red
of freshly oxygenated liquid
and if they ran the scans--

which they will
after they wrap me in those
cold silver hooks
and tell me about silence
and my right to it
that is where i will laugh
loud and long and with a tinge of cyanide
until they supress me
repress me
slid the silver slip of sanity
under my skin
and force it (unwilling) in
to spread and combat my slippery blood
and subdue me finally to somnolence--

they will find that
this blood is no stranger
to these hands
that it slides inside these veins
familiar and unquestioned
that silence was the weapon
that stole this life from light.
and that compliance was the accomplice
that the killer and the victim
are laid in the back of this squad car
while the officers discuss the yellow tape
and mark the lines of do not cross
across a life overflowing
with others words and worlds

1 comment:

Cable said...

and mark the lines of do not cross
across a life overflowing
with others words and worlds

i like the ending, the implication that a life ended in such a manner can only be summed up (by poor attempts) by 'do not cross'.

the working of the title is good...from where I see it at least, people think villains have something interesting going on, murderers and serial killers are seen as fascinating, just morbid curiousity i guess...but i love how you explore how there is more going on, there should be sympathy, maybe, but not obsession.

the lives reduced to 'do not cross' beg to differ....