Sunday, February 22, 2009

lightning strikes twice

what good is this lone charge
in a world full of unfulfilled warrants
and really does my behaviour
warrant this charge of misdemeanor
i've been watching my face in the mirror
keeping a tight guard on my demeanor 
following the letter of the law
but i keep getting lost in the numbers
all these ups and downs
these pluses and minuses 
and they keep colliding with that crackle
that raises the hair on my arms

and i wonder what's the point of
one electron in this thunderstorm

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i like the repetition of sound in this poem, the way the words twist around their meaning but retain their sound. I also like the pun of the last line. don't know if that was intentional. One electron could technically be the leader of a lightning bolt. The point of a lightning bolt can reach about 30,000 'C. so go make some fulgurite, hannah, cos you are a leader.
This poem feels sizzly when i read it