Saturday, August 30, 2008

doctor please

i've tried everything.
ridiculous really
if i pulled out the lists and lists
the encyclopedias and dictionaries
of how i have tried
of how i've pushed
of how i've...
how i've failed
to keep you out
to stay safe and solid and secure
i've used those chain locks
the ones they wrap in rubber
as if to make them softer
less of an attack
on public trust and truth and decency
i've hung the padlocks
with the spinning wheels
secret codes and combinations
to keep mysteries and possibilities
encrypted in this crypt
wore necklaces and rings
with sharp edges and careless points
so doublesided and cruel
keeping pain as the last tool
between me and between you
ive done what i could
dug trenches
build walls
created ironsided safes
and locked myself inside
i've asked hard questions
thrown sharp fears
used words like weapons
flint edged spears
and oh how i've tried 
to keep these forces apart

someone told me once 
the only cure for love
was a broken heart.

Friday, August 29, 2008

skip rope.

i saw girls dancing once
back and forth from one foot
to another quick as breathing
and i was like how pretty
how sentimental and sweet
those childhood dances
from when all you had to avoid
were cracks in the sidewalk
how simple how sweet
those moments of innocence

i wandered back one day
one of those days when it seems
the thunderclouds are the only thing
holding the sky together
and saw the same girls 
taller now
with shorter hair
sharp layers that say
i've cut myself free
from those braided ropes
that held me down and still
but they were dancing still
feet flying up and over
while around their ankles 
the round green bamboo
clattered and smashed
as rythmic as water falling
loud like thunder
as they held the dance
and the smiles
with their feet as fast as silver
keeping themselves half a step
ahead of the collision

i walked away 
keeping my feet high
and remembering
that if you remember to dance
the jaws will miss you
more often than not.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

paradise Lost.

-hello sir and pardon me
but i seem to have gotten lost
on my way
my way to paradise-
she had big brown eyes
the kind you see in children books
looking from the face 
of the secret princess 
the one that temporarily 
works in a shop
but is not a shopgirl
and was holding a map
as tall as she was
with sketches from michelangelo
scraps of eliot and cummings
and a diagram of the human heart
in blue and red
scattered across its tattered surface
beside notes that said things like
"don't forget the milk"
and "out late be home by morning".
she had a pen stuck determinedly 
behind her ear like a small pennant
the battle colours that would not be allowed
to fall to fail
and long brown hair
twisted and tied in braids and ribbons
looking like a stream
that was frozen over in a quick winter
life caught still 
for a moment
like this moment 
where she stood on the sidewalk
with her small feet
in brown shoes that you never see sold
but always on the feet 
of the not quite poor
as if they grew there 
or were left by some politician
with a sense of 'what is right' in storybooks
and calls it character
she stood there on the nondescript day
that the weatherman had described as 'partial'
and mumbled off into insecurity
in her brown shoes with her brown eyes
and her map
the map to paradise
while the man broke stride a second
and tossed a copper coin
towards her toes 
like an appeasement to Fortune
that She would continue to bless him
and keep him from 
brown shoes
and girls who have dreams

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

accidental arrows

I don't know what to do
she said
and maybe it was a fact
or a story
or something in a book somewhere
she could have heard on the radio
in a wandering song
or watched it fall from the redlined lips
of a famous star decked in sparkle
but she said it with a little shrug
that was totally and deliciously hers
and it undid him
left him tumbling head first down
over concrete stairs and brick walls
up the strands of ivy below her window
around glass doors and along the edges of sidewalk
that let him be by her side
he was a man of bone and sinew
and his sister would claim 
that his heart was solely concerned
with the careful distribution of blood
cautiously. neither in want nor surplus
thats what she would swear
but then she didn't recognize him
that midnight meeting
when with hair disheveled and hands deep in pockets
he whirled past her in a storm of lovers woe
and she walked on with the strange feeling
that that was a man she knew
or had met once
perhaps in a store 
or at a show somewhere
and he did not see her at all
but wandered on in a haze of names and faces
when only one was carved into his consciousness 
and that small little curve of her shoulders
that he could find in Grand Central Station
without a second thought
and on and on in a blur of moments
while she went on her way
with that delightful delicious shrug of the shoulders
and a pearly toothed smile

The world could have watched in wonder
had it not been spinning
from the delicate force 
of a small lift of shoulders 
and a smile that shook the stars

Monday, August 25, 2008


im standing here in the sunlight
with my bright cardboard sign
sparkle tipped pens 
have drizzled all over it
leaving designs  that jump
out at you and over you
like liquid rainbows 
bouncing between the passerbys
i'm here standing with my welcome sign
waiting for godot. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008


have you ever felt the edges of your being
shake so against each other
that the only thing holding you together
was the fact that the fibers kept colliding
and snapping and coiling
about each other
like desperate strands of magnets 
around the only thing that gives them motion
until at last they are frozen
stuck to the cold iron
like a bitter statue
and so i am here
a frozen masterpiece of horror
wondering from whence oblivion will fall
and peace creep through my veins
like poison.

lost dreamers

question: have you ever seen
those silver gossamer umbrellas
that drift on summer winds
carefully bearing a swollen burden
that slopes to a point at the end
 angled toward the ground
ready to piece at whatever point the wind
drops them down? 
have you ever seen them?

answer: i do not know what i have seen
these summer days and summer nights
when the sun was one long firework
and the stars were lost fireflies
that drifted on the faded out clouds
but once i saw two lovers walk
into a river along the sticky edges of mud
and they never came up not even the golden edges of her hair
tell me if you can what this means?

question: what are two open ended trails to me
pairs of footprints that disappear
mean to me only that gravity is working still
what to me these tangled little webs
of words and blinking and strands of hair
when the careful teetering tottering seeds
of a new generation are braving the winds
the future on the whimsical wind
with their gossamer thread balloons

answer: what are they to you
i do not know but in my mind perhaps
they are the same one and one alike
the fragile strings that tie us together
to dangle us drifting in the careless wind
of fate and fiction and friction 
and the two lovers walking
and your seeds blowing into the beyond
and who you are and i
all this world between us
so i'm off to wander the sticky mud banks
watching for gossamer nets and golden hair
learning what they are to me.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Saltwater Puzzle

i never understood
the beauty of a pearl
layer upon layer
of mucus
spread and encrusted
in warped patterns
that neither reflect or collect
the light
but only partially store it
leaving the rest as a waste
to sit in lazy puddles
around this spat up gob
of hardened excrement
i do not understand 
the awe and weight
that seeps into their eyes
as it rolls around their hand
its sticky edges
pulling their fingers to curl around it
teaching them to cling to it
to slide paper and coin and magnetic strips
through the metallic mouths 
of other's secret hiding places
so as to keep the patterned drop
of expelled filth 
tight in their sweaty palms 
i do not understand it
and perhaps never will
what is precious in a pearl

you might as well say 
that pain creates beauty.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


so welcome home
to this new brightedged place
with strong colours
and a still neat desk
welcome to this new world
of sliding cards
and magnetic strips of entrance
that light up your access
and define you as 'belong'
welcome to these people
with the same fears as you
and different pasts
with long black shadows
and busy bright smiles
who all seem to know where they are going
you too will learn this
and will wander without being lost
will wave at the campus 
and know it well
welcome to home
it is what you make it.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


im going to wave over tte international date line and tell you that im doing fine and maybe now lying isnt a crime because its all in the broken edges of time so its me and the sea and the seal of hot wax that caught me like taxes in this foreign accent and im trapped and alone with a fingerlike bone that can shake and can break but never remake a quiver or quail cause it never was there and im going to stand here and wave as if someone would save this sinking ship with a headlining trip from the cradle to crypt and im alright just taking my shift as long as the wind doesnt ask me to life my head cause im dead in this moment of time as im looking and crossing that foreign date line im weaving and leaving and coming undone and the only thing thats hanging is the weight of the sunits falling and calling and tearing me down and the horizon keeps dipping and spinning around and im fine and im fine and a liar that too but if comes down to that then what else are you


i'd like to tell you
what im thinking
sketch it out for you
with black ink
in quick short lines
naploean drawing a battleplan
i'd like to tell you north is north
and south is south
this is love
straight from the mouth
of the horse
but i've got nothing
so clearcut so defined
in fact im afraid
that i can't find
the words to even say
that i do not understand
there we go.
i do not understand
but thats nothing
and honestly
i must confess
the problem is not ignorance
but niether is it indifference
its merely overwhelmed
in shades of sanctity
there are many things i know
there are many things i dont
and at the moment.
im merely trying to stay afloat
so if you ask me what im thinking
dont expect a quick reply
because with every answer
there comes a heavy why
so im gonna just keep sitting here thinking
and sinking

in a world of battleplans
i am picasso short on paint.

futility of a guilty conscience.

forget it. who needs to sleep? i'll just type these up. and because im feeling a little guilty ill throw in some old ones too. (hopefully not too boring...)

starcrossed lovers

store bought bones
makeshift souls
after all these reparis
you are still alone?
plastic and silicon
titanium and steel
kryptonic skin
that cannot peel
O you
masterpeice of the modern age
Michaelangelo's David
jettisoned into space
in your unbreakable cage
i am the disembodied voice
the echo in this air
your faraway observer
who notes that life
is still not fair
after all of this
you are still alone?

i stand in my unbreakable cage
watching you drift away

Author's Note

i have material on my laptop which regrettably refuses to connect here. look for an update in a week. as life is going to go 'snowglobe' on me. ciao till then.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How are you today?

what to say
when you are neither in an oasis or a desert
but perhaps simply waiting
for the next bag to open
and swallow whats left of your cloth covered lives
and maybe i am a puppet made of poles
to be caused to breath and move
with the adding and padding of clothing
and that would be all.
so i will shuffle all these props
the eyepopping prints
and the silent silks that slide back into the shadow
crushe them into these luggage peices
and shuffle off on these peg legs
hoping i can fit them back together

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

i regret my inability to write today.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Swingset Epiphany

i climbed on as a child
with small slick fingers
gripping the metal chain 
and toe-tips just grazing
the dusty layers of ground 
that held my size 4 footprints
the wide wooden seat
was like a shelf
the type my mother hid 
candied pills on so i couldnt reach
but there i was
firmly planted on it and braced
to battle gravity
and with a stretching of my fragile legs
i pounded my way down the worn runway
and exploded into the air
with only the creaking chains
to keep me linked in some small way
to the faraway earth
that blurred beneath me while the air
whipped around me
pushing and pulling and screaming and roaring
its own windy song around me
and i was hurtling forward and upward
just on the edge of breaking the boundary
between today and tomorrow
when with a resounding snap
gravity pulled on my delicate self 
and swept me back down through the dust
in a squealing free fall that left all the breath 
in my tissue thick lungs
scattered across the universe
as i sped down back to land
but the sky had a hold on me too
yanking me back up
in a smooth practiced grip
as if i was the end result of years of practice
that i was a battle it was intent to win
and i was soaring again
letting glee whip around me
while victory and freedom and fear
collided in my crayola coloured brain
and escaped thrumming through my tongue
as i reached for words i didnt know 
to explain this wrenching joy
until earth claimed me back again
and i was sucked towards the solid vortex
of something like reality
and fought to rise again

i was only a child
when i learned what love felt like

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Celebrate. Sam.

celebrate with me
come world
with your screamers of colours
your flecked star visions
and your secrets
that you pour into these multicoloured pouches
making them swell and tug
pulling for wide stretches of sky
to find some larger freedom
like we all are
come world
celebrate with me
the small treasures of a warm hand
in the dark of fear
and the reminder that laughter
still exists in this vacuum
join with me! remember-
nights of sorrow
and mornings of joy
the lists of favorite words
explored with all the flavors
of the tang and tinge of the world
the colours that come with shadows
and the explosions that come with light
come world celebrate with me
the turning of the days
and the ones that are to come.
come world
celebrate with me.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Breaking Down.

you and i together
are like pianos colliding
with shaking splintering frames
and wires that bend and snap
striking chords
that ring through the air
with some of the weight of beauty
and click and slide together
our careful ivory keys
sliding together
grinding and grating
and edging together against each other
with my smoothness on yours
and then
all these notes erupting in discord
like shredded edges of sound
exploding in twanging wires
and then
we are nothing but a stack of shattered firewood
with tightly wrapped brass
that coils and snaps
and melts slowly
into broken coils
that are dull and ugly
like the edges of you and me
the last stages of a collision

shadow love

i wish you could know me
by my shadow
in my shadow
i am tall and slender
placed cleanly within these lines
a smooth unbroken being
instead of this chaos of scattered edge
broken curves
noise and fear
and colour and dark
and these random words
that fall careless from my tongue
and tangle me in blushes
me in real life
with all my clumsiness
and stumbling
weak knees and fluttery hands
i wish you could know me
by my shadow
all cleancut and smooth
perfect and graceful
simple and comprehensible
i wish you knew me by a shadow

but then again
its hard to hold hands
with the lack of light

Thursday, August 7, 2008

mausoleum museum

i went to see art today. and somehow instead it saw me. it pulled me into it with its sharp dark cityscapes and its bending gulping sky. i saw the sky swirling down into the city like a vortex both pulled and pulling and the briske slanted lines of the buildings sloping up to reach and pierce it and also sliding into meaningless dark. i saw a crowd of lovers wrapped in layers of cloth and shadow huddle together on park benchess and understood somewhere deep in me why it was called Solitude. - recognized my face in the lonely watcher who bent himself against a tree trunk as though maybe sacrifice would cure it. i saw strange boxes nest next to words that told the story of a girl who was (she really was) beautiful and i did not see the fitting but stood and strove to for minutes and centuries and still it nags at my mind. i read thoughts on love and eternity and without meaning to fell into the dark charcoal beside it. and was wrapped and warped in it till neither time nor love were- but simply are. and perhaps i am still there. i went in to see art. in the midst of the well lit graveyard that sat behind glass with clinical etiphaphs to mark their passing. thos things were sharp shining. dull and rounded. and dead. they lay pinned and frozzen in silicon tombs while casual clumsy toed wanderers place their faces against the light and brush the ghosts away. but they saw me. the ghosts and the art. they saw me together. and maybe now i am one of them.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

feels like letting loose
this sun that creeps and crawls
over all of these surfaces
an invading force 
with the touch of death and life
twisted ito a pointed edge
that pricks my skin
and leaves it red and sore
too cowardly to draw blood
but only pull it to the surface
and then leave it tainted in my veins
and i am just another surface
to be taken over
let loose 
through this attack
and i am an elemental force
reaching out and pushing
this air around me like small bombs
sending it spiraling 
into the shadows and speckles 
and then leaving it alone.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

wrinkle-creams and consciences

i am a temporary moment
a space upon the clock
before the lines rearrange themselves
into red dotted lines
which are the present
if you sign here
and sell your soul away
of if you want
-the sea witch adds-
i'll simply take your voice
in collateral
till later when you collapse
under the interest rates
and then i'll claim your future as my own
i'll pour it into 
this glass
which balances within itself
an upside-down pyramid
on this slender stem
and there you will slosh about
a semi-clear liquid
with just a bit of a kick
that rises from those bitter dreams
and someday when you are old
and fully soured
and withh all the sharp edges of life
to render you mature
she will drink you down
and smack her lips
and wipe them clean
with the smallest white handkerchief you've ever seen
and the girl sitting there with her hopes and dreams
across from her 
will think she's so much more elegant than she seems
and you will try to scream
till remembering
that that voice was the first thing
to go to go to go

and i am just the second hand
passing unheeded
an unknowing accomplice
second by second
secondhand to Time.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ancient Wisdom.

The limit to your abilities 
is where you place it. 

Hope is the most precious 
treasure to a person.

There will be many surprises
unexpected gains are likely.

courtesy of fortune cookie.

to the one i would have loved.

i found you in a flower
it was red and gold
explosively lovely
growing in my path
as if it belonged there
i stood there
as if my eyes were 
weighing down my feet
while i drunk in the colours
and knelt suddenly
in the dirt
that was clumped and moist
clinging to me
in small black threads
as if to tie me to itself
and the flower grew more gorgeous yet
with small white lines
that raced from the deep golden center
to splay at the tips
like a ray of light
that frays as it begins to touch eternity
and that golden center
so closely hidden
by the outer abundance 
of colour and flair
fluctuated gently in the wind
so gently
it looked like a heart beating
i reached out my hand
to touch
or pluck
i knew not which
and could do neither
with the heaviness of beauty upon me
so knelt frozen for a while
along the path
till with a wrench i understood
stroked a fingertip along the petals
sacred soft
and stood
loath to leave but knowing
that these deep dirt stains
and this stained glass image
is all that i may take with me
i stepped of the pat
finding another and following it
till the redgold sunset haunted me
and i slept
dreaming of you
and saying goodbye
without you knowing 
what you had told me

i found you today
in a flower
and left you to bloom
for the one you belong to

Sunday, August 3, 2008


i am quiet today
but even my thoughts are quiet
like mall summer clouds
that drift along
in the way that they began
instead of the lightning stuffed storms
that usually plague my mind
i have put everything
on a gentle mute
so that the sounds are fuzzy
and do not reach me here
like the humming of a plane
to an ant
nothing of importance
and so i drift
in my dress of white and blue
that settles around me
like a cocoon of cotton
looking like a small piece of sky
against the green grass.

Friday, August 1, 2008

mortal immortal

i tried to stare down a tree 
it was dark
and slightly moist
the air was that is
the tree was tall
with sharp green spikes
instead of leaves
and smelt of make-believe christmas
i caught it frozen
in the headlights
and stared 
and it stared back
and i was all
rounded edges and motion and noise
the grinding sounds of breathing
and a catch in the back of my throat
it was tall and straigt and sharp
coated with strings of light
and buried in a slope of shadow
and still.
so very still.
i felt as though
its stillness attacked me
pinned me in
drew me caught me and repelled me
in its lack of motion
and so i stared
with fidgeting feet
and the rage of impermability
against this spear of the earth
that struck and was unmoving.
was unmoved
i tried to stare down a tree
but my moment shrank away
in the facets of its impervious face
and i swung the wheel far to the right
and went on
shaking and cutting swaths of light
through the quiet night

doctors visit

i write
innoculations i
constant reports of heartbreaks
in the melded language
of artist with inkstains
and a officer who's seen it all before
bitter and jaded
and still looking for 
that perfect angle
the way to capture this moment
in the lighting 
the consonants 
the jagged edges of letters
and i take these down
swallowing the pills and panic
the pathos and pain
line by line
step by step
thinking that in a year's time or two
i can take on the disease
in its rampant form
watch it roiling across my skin
through my veins
erupting within my cardiac muscles
and tearing my mind to shreds
and laugh
because ive seen it all. written it all.
down before
down and out.
and i can throw this out
throw it off
stand up and fight these broken hearts
because i've taken my shots
my pills and my potions
and i can beat these wrenching emotions.

if only i could combat
falling in love

how far from home.

they spoke carefuly
like the positioning of feet
under the table
cautious not to touch
lest it trigger embarrassment
or worse
the inconvenience of having
to dredge up an 'I'm sorry'
and pull it into the air
waving like a soiled dishrag
that once meant surrender
and now was only another subtle
call to war
and so they talk
about the flowers that they drive past
but not the houses
because she loved their old apartment
and he is weary of these memories
they discuss the street names
but only the ones
that do not sound like names
because of the small stone cross
the counselor insisted they put up
as a part of 'the grieving process'
that she does not talk about
but that he still wakes up thinking
how many months till june
and then realizes that it is long past
and the silence is still unbroken
by any noise
except that sometiems when he wakes
he realizes her pillow is wet
and that the breaths on that side
are ragged at the edges
like something. (like sound) was pulled away
and she no longer can call for comfort
and he thinks about stretching his hand out
but then she comments on his driving
and he squeezes the steering  wheel two handed
to keep from responding to the thrown bait
so she subsides
and watches the windows slip past
and does not realize that she has put them
inside every one
in every little window with bright curtains
and a swing outside on a tree
until they pull into the driveway
and he does not say 'we are home'
but 'I think this is it.'
and so they go in
to wish long life and joy
to the happy couple