Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Swingset Epiphany

i climbed on as a child
with small slick fingers
gripping the metal chain 
and toe-tips just grazing
the dusty layers of ground 
that held my size 4 footprints
the wide wooden seat
was like a shelf
the type my mother hid 
candied pills on so i couldnt reach
but there i was
firmly planted on it and braced
to battle gravity
and with a stretching of my fragile legs
i pounded my way down the worn runway
and exploded into the air
with only the creaking chains
to keep me linked in some small way
to the faraway earth
that blurred beneath me while the air
whipped around me
pushing and pulling and screaming and roaring
its own windy song around me
and i was hurtling forward and upward
just on the edge of breaking the boundary
between today and tomorrow
when with a resounding snap
gravity pulled on my delicate self 
and swept me back down through the dust
in a squealing free fall that left all the breath 
in my tissue thick lungs
scattered across the universe
as i sped down back to land
but the sky had a hold on me too
yanking me back up
in a smooth practiced grip
as if i was the end result of years of practice
that i was a battle it was intent to win
and i was soaring again
letting glee whip around me
while victory and freedom and fear
collided in my crayola coloured brain
and escaped thrumming through my tongue
as i reached for words i didnt know 
to explain this wrenching joy
until earth claimed me back again
and i was sucked towards the solid vortex
of something like reality
and fought to rise again

i was only a child
when i learned what love felt like


fen said...

when i can figure out how,
i will paint the way
this is my childhood as well.

i am incredibly fond of this particular piece :)

Unknown said...

This piece would be amazing without the last two lines. Those last two lines make it more than amazing.
very clever. i like "crayola coloured brain" in particular. geng jang

1telos said...

by limiting your scope you are saying more and more.
well done, poet.

Anonymous said...

three words--i loved it.

thearchitects said...

i've already told you how i feel.

and my still crayola brain. {with touches of watercolour and oils}
sets out to conquer gravity.
and whirling through the clouds {it seems}
i glance out at the world.
and gasp.
trying to collect it all in my rainbow sack.
and hurtling back down. down. down.
i sigh.
as i feel the gentle solid tug of this wreckless earth.
chains tightening.
binding me.